November 9, 2012

Cover Coveting(16)

Every Never After’s cover has really enchanted me, definitely looking forward to reading it in 2012.

Also what on earth could possibly in the Magic Bites Special Edition?? Are all the other books getting Special Editions?? Why on earth do that want to suck more money from me!!

Invisibility by Andrea Cremer & David Levithan Goodreads | Amazon
Kitty Rocks the House Goodreads | Amazon

livingston_everyneverafter_pb copymagic-bites
Every Never After by Lesley Livingston Goodreads | Amazon
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews (New special edition) Goodreads | Amazon

Neverfall coverOfShadowBorn1
Neverfall by Brodi Ashton Goodreads | Amazon
Of Shadow Born by Dianne Sylvan Goodreads | Amazon

Opal CoverPeeler-Tempest-Reborn-MM
Opal Jennifer L. Armentrout Goodreads | Amazon
Tempest Reborn by Nicole Peeler Goodreads | Amazon

Phoenix by Elizabeth Richards Goodreads | Amazon
Polterheist by Laura Resnick Goodreads | Amazon

Rogue Descendant by Jenna Black Goodreads | Amazon
Rogue Rider by Larissa Ione Goodreads | Amazon

Shadow of the Mark by Leigh Fallon Goodreads | Amazon
Shadows of Glass by Kassy Tayler Goodreads | Amazon

shards-and-ashesStalked by Death cover
Shards & Ashes (Anthology) Goodreads | Amazon
Stalked by Death by Kelly Hashway Goodreads | Amazon

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