February 8, 2017

Cover Coveting(11)

Cover art is found from Goodreads, Wicked Scribes, ATUF, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***

I’m a little short on time

Even the Darkest Stars by Heather Fawcett

Previous book(s) in series:

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Even the Darkest Stars Series: N/A 

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Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

What a stunning moutian scape! I love that the title is basically a highlight/overlay. So lovely.

Ones and Zeroes by Dan Wells

Previous book(s) in series:

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ones and zeroes by dan wells Series: Mirador, book 2

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Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction

Shera’s thoughts:

This isn't as cool as the Bluescreen cover.

However, I love the ensemble.

Persepolis Rising by James S.A. Corey

Previous book(s) in series:

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Persepolis Rising  (The Expanse #7) Series: The Expance, book 7

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Genre: Science Fiction

Shera’s thoughts:

I love these covers! They just scream science fiction, the good kind.

Reign of Serpents by Eleanor Herman

Previous book(s) in series:

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Reign of Serpents  (Blood of Gods and Royals #3) Series: Blood of Gods and Royals, book 3

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Genre: Young Adult Historical

Shera’s thoughts:

Oooooo, this is my favorite one yet.

I'm not completely familiar with these books, but this one just screams Egyptian.

Retribution Rails by Erin Bowman

Previous book(s) in series:

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Retribution Rails  (Vengeance Road) Series: Vengeance Road, book 2

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Genre: Young Adult Western

Shera’s thoughts:

Be still my heart. Oh, I want to sniff this book so much.

I love the train tracks being over grown by cactus and such.

Scorpion Trap by Pippa DaCosta

Previous book(s) in series:

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Scorpion Trap  (Soul Eater #4) Series: Soul Eater, book 4

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Genre: Urban Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

Action cover! Oh, and there's the scorpion.

Oooooooo, look at that creepy shadow in the upper left. Kind of reminds me of Howl's Moving Castle, the anime.

Shadowcaster by Cinda Williams Chima

Previous book(s) in series:

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Shadowcaster  (Shattered Realms #2) Series: Shattered Realms, book 2

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Genre: Young Adult High Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

This is really pretty, but I question if it's the USA cover? If it is I think the series is in for a makeover. I hope not I like the covers how they are now.

The Battlemage by Taran Matharu

Previous book(s) in series:

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The Battlemage  (Summoner #3) Series: Summoner, book 3

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Genre: Young Adult High Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

How badass is this cover?

Oh!!!! So cool. Each cover just keeps getting better and better.

The Beast is an Animal by Peternelle van Arsdale

Previous book(s) in series:

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The Beast Is an Animal Series: N/A 

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Genre: Young Adult Fantasy (fairytale retelling)

Shera’s thoughts:

I love that the girl is a tree stump. In fact, you question if it is a person.

Lovely scene.

The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan

Previous book(s) in series:

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The Dark Prophecy  (The Trials of Apollo #2) Series: The Trails of Apollo, book 2

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Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

Yippee! I love covers in which the characters get to fly on magical creatures.

One question are those peacocks with crowns? Oooo, helmets.

oh my book! Is that a peacock army? Please say yes.

The Dastardly Miss Lizzie by Viola Carr

Previous book(s) in series:

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The Dastardly Miss Lizzie  (Electric Empire #3) Series: The Electric Empire, book 2

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Genre: Steampunk

Shera’s thoughts:

Fits the series well, I still don't really care for the covers. I like the consistency though.

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